
Here at Lovely Weather, we really try to be conscious of all of the various ecosystems that make up the earth. I know that's a bit rich coming from a company whose entire purpose is shipping individual articles of clothing across the world, but we like to try to embrace the absurdity of life.

What this means in practice is that you will be paying more for things. We also pay more for things. For instance, our t-shirts are now priced at CAD$34 and cost us around CAD$31 to produce. (I should note that we don't actually produce anything here. This entire website is a glorified front-end for a print on demand service. You are paying for creativity, people!)

In theory, this means that those shirts are more "eco-friendly" or something. We don't really know what that means. To be honest with you, it sounds like a bunch of fucking marketing bullshit. We are told that the t-shirts are made from "40% recycled polyester" which is nice if you happen to know what the process is for recycling polyester. We don't. We also don't really know what is involved in actually making polyester from scratch, although we assume it has something to do with fracking. So is this actually better? Your guess is as good as ours. We are also told that the rest of the shirt is "organic" cotton. Do you know what organic means? It means that a company whose purpose is certifying products as organic has certified it as organic. In practice, this means that this cotton has been grown according to the guidelines set out by that company. Are they good guidelines? We don't really know. Maybe. Could be. Probably better than nothing. Might be worse.

But listen, friends. We are trying to do what we can to make smarter choices, while participating in this exploitative and blindly extractive capitalist society. You don't want to pay that much for a t-shirt? Then don't. We really don't care. We just want you to have a great day, whatever day it happens to be.

When we say we love you, we mean it.